World Of Concrete 2020 Recap – ConExpo-Con/Agg Primer

Highlights from HMI’s Participation in World of Concrete 2020

Annie Baeten

On January 3rd I posted a bold promise of big plans for what HMI had in store for World of Concrete in Las Vegas in February. I am delighted to share that the crowds, customer feedback and new attendee feedback suggests HMI delivered.

WORLD OF CONCRETE 2020 – At the show HMI introduced its. newest product offering, FILLFOAM. (Exclusively provided by its sister company FILLRITE TECHNOLOGIES. The characteristics of this new technology were demonstrated live, as this highly flowable filling agent was pumped around a pole to fill a bucket at the show to the amazement of booth visitors.  The FILLFOAM demonstration was incorporated into the traditional “WOW” HMI concrete raising and leveling demonstration. Hats off the crew – Jesse, Kip, Jay, Teddy and Chris executed 90 consecutive flawless demonstrations in front of audiences of up to 100 attendees.

If you have never visited World Of Concrete – add it to the list of must do’s. Beyond the new products and demonstrations the business training curriculum offered at the show is world class.

ConExpo-Con/Agg – From March 10th thru 14th the HMI team will return to Las Vegas for an instant replay at CONEXPO-Booth#8102, bronze lot. ConExpo- Con/Agg is a colossal exposition for the construction trades which takes place every 3 years. With the merger with ConAGG in 1996 this show is North America’s LARGEST. For a taste test of what you will see from HMI there -see video below!

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