Being Your Own Boss Is HOT!

Why Choose a Career in Concrete Lifting?

Paul DelFino

Career Shifting Trends Nationally & At HMI

Over recent months a higher percentage of people who have never worked in the trades, home repair or in any way with concrete are exploring polyurethane concrete lifting at HMI. The Discovery and Training Seminar has had an increasing number of participants who are seeking a career change. Whether it is airline pilots, restauranteurs or tech specialists. When questioned as to the reason why – the answer is consistent – “I want to be my own boss.”

NATIONAL DATA EXPLAINS THE TREND – In a recent article in Forbes- “Want to be your own boss? Here is some good news”. Mary Ellen Biery states “By far, small business owners say the best thing about starting and running your own business is the independence that comes from being your own boss.” Click here to read the entire article…

WHY CONCRETE LIFTING & LEVELING – Aspiring entrepreneurs have identified that concrete lifting and leveling repair with polyurethane has advantages and now allows nearly anyone to enter the business:

  • BIG MONEY – As a cost-effective alternative to concrete replacement, raising concrete holds great profit margins.
  • EASY – MINIMAL MANUAL LABOR – The introduction of polyurethane eliminated most of the heavy work from concrete repair. You can run the business without any labor or helpers in slacks vs. jeans.
  • THE GOVERNMENT HELPS MAKE THE MARKET – The American Disabilities Act has taken the need for concrete repair from a discretionary decision to a mandate to be in conformance of Federal Law ( See my HMI Blog on “Selling Fear” June 2015) Literally, the government has made the service a requirement for governmental and commercial establishment as well as private residences.
  • LOW COST OF ENTRY – There are very few equipment/facility based businesses you can start for approximately $50K which offer you a great return on investment. Good credit allows you to lease the equipment required and you are in business for less than $1,500 per month if you have good credit.

THE NEW ECONOMY – In a recent publication by the United States Department of Labor – “Futurework – Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century,”  the executive summary asks the question:

“We know that workers need rising living standards over their lifetimes, a balance between the demands of work and family, and workplaces that are safe and fair. We also know that major trends will sweep across and radically change the landscape of workplaces and the makeup of the workforce in the twenty-first century.”

Futurework details the extraordinary diversification of the workforce, the explosive growth of technology, and the pervasive impact of growing globalization. How will future workers strive for and attain economic security, work-family balance, and safe and fair workplaces?

  1. Meeting the challenge of being skilled, not stuck in the new economy
  2. Meeting the challenge of flexibility and family

Start Your Concrete Lifting Journey Today!

Work and life are changing faster than we have ever experienced. If you are like most and seeking to control your own destiny/schedule and make more, you owe it to yourself to explore the HMI business opportunity.

The trend is clear; people from every walk of life are doing it now!

Paul DelFino is a principal of the consulting firm Opportunity Inc. For nearly two decades he has assisted entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, responding to economic downturns and merger and acquisition activity. He has consulted with HMI and RaiseRite for over a decade. His publications include “Avoiding Skewed Entrepreneurial Strategies” available from all on line booksellers.

A man is leaned back in a chair with his hands behind his head and feet on a desk

Upcoming Discovery & Training Seminars

  • April 10-11, 2025  Manitowoc, WI
  • May 15-16, 2025  Manitowoc, WI

In 2 days, we teach you everything you need to know to start your own concrete raising company!

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