COVID 19 Friendly Contracting

Adapting to Challenges: Safe and Efficient Services

Annie Baeten

Concrete Repair – A Social Distancing Compliant Service

The last several months have brought many surprises and unexpected challenges to us all. I thought one delightful surprise was worth noting to anyone considering entering the Concrete Raising Business with HMI equipment and material. .

As the Marketing Director of HMI I also handle marketing and promotion for RaiseRite Concrete Lifting. RaiseRite is the contracting subsidiary of HMI which serves a market within 90 miles from HMI’s headquarters in Manitowoc WI. Upon my return from World of Concrete in February I am always pressured to build a backlog of work for RaiseRite for the season start once weather improves in Wisconsin. Of course 2020 was different, I found myself quarantined and working from home upon my return from ConExpo in Las Vegas. I remember my traditional annual anxiety for the season opening increases as I anticipated how difficult it might be to top the 2019 season start in April and May with the Corona Virus distraction.

The surprise – RaiseRite is starting its season with the largest demand we have ever seen as measured by accepted estimates and requests for new estimates. It all initially seemed counter logical in a depressed economic environment and at a time when everyone was focused on health, safety and family. The reality turned out to be:

  • Concrete repair work is outside work where prospects were not in any way threatened by a contractor visit.
  • With “stay at home directives” property owner are looking to accomplish “SOMETHING” beyond watching the same movies or spending too many hours on social media. Any inside the house repairs or improvements were out of the question.
  • The HMI estimating, scheduling, and invoicing processes (the processes we recommend at our seminars) do not require face to face interaction with the customer. In reality most customers are usually not at home when we give estimates or do the work. These facts allowed us to immediately conform to social distancing recommendations.

Concrete repair contracting, the HMI way, is positioned to be successful in our current environment and will allow you to be successful no matter how long the current restrictions and recommendations last.
Concrete repair is Covid 19 Friendly Contracting.

A yellow ruler with the words raise it while social distancing around it.

Upcoming Discovery & Training Seminars

  • April 10-11, 2025  Manitowoc, WI
  • May 15-16, 2025  Manitowoc, WI

In 2 days, we teach you everything you need to know to start your own concrete raising company!

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