Following a successful World of Concrete in Las Vegas in January, HMI will be presenting and demonstrating at one the largest trade shows in the World in March.
Annie Baeten
Every three years, North America hosts CONEXPO-CON/AGG in Las Vegas.
2020 registrations for the show totaled over 130,000 attendees who walked the record 2.7 million-plus net square feet of exhibits featuring 2300-plus exhibitors. Considered one of the “Big 3” construction equipment trade shows globally, with the others held in Germany and France, CONEXPO-CON/AGG and IFPE is the largest construction trade show in the western hemisphere.
The 2020 Experience
In 2020 HMI was participating in CONEXPO when it was cut short by the outset of Covid restrictions. Jeff Cvetezar, President of HMI commented; “It was sad to see the reactions of exhibitors, attendees, and the HMI staff when the show announced it would close on the last day. We were enjoying an outstanding reaction to our demonstrations, and little did we know that it was only the beginning of a long bad siege for the country.”
Planning For 2023 with Reckless Abandoned
Jeff Cvetezar further commented; “We are planning for the 2023 ConExpo experience with reckless abandoned. HMI will have a larger presence; we will be demonstrating not only concrete lifting but Fillfoam. We plan to do 150 demonstrations and have scheduled one of our Discovery & Training Seminars in advance of show on March 9-10 in Las Vegas.”
The Ultimate Construction Trade Experience
If you have never experienced ConExpo, HMI suggests you consider attending. We all have interests in many things. If you want to see the latest and greatest from all over the world related to Construction, ConExpo is the place! That is why HMI will be there!