It’s Spring – It’s Time

Unlock Your Potential: Spring Strategies for Success

Annie Baeten – Paul DelFino – Jesse Swetlik

The Perfect Time to Start The Biz or Jump Start The Season!

I was reading a report from the “Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University” and was contemplating whether to share their results for the benefit of current HMI customers or future HMI customers? Leave it to Annie the HMI marketing guru to solve my quandary.  She said – “speak to both!”


You do not need to do WEB research to tell you the peak season for home repair and home improvement is spring.  Common sense and a little experience can tell you that. However, what may be emerging in 2018 is a perfect storm of:

  • A robust economy and increased confidence with discretionary income available
  • An increasing trend of new millennial home market entrants investing in fixer uppers in suburban and urban areas
  • A boomer population benefiting from an unprecedented actuarial transfer of wealth phase coupled with a rebounding housing value market. (We are even seeing ads from Banks promoting home equity credit lines again!)

The above combined with: years of neglect in a down economy, continually growing trip hazard litigation and the NORMAL SEASONAL TRENDS OF SPRING may have created the perfect storm for concrete lifting and leveling opportunity in the months immediately ahead.

However as I have religiously share in the HMI Discovery and Training Seminar“If you do not do anything do not expect anything!” So to take advantage of this storm the remainder of this blog is cut in half. For those of you who have a concrete lifting business we have outlined spring marketing and equipment maintenance suggestions on the left. For those who are still exploring and considering entering the business we have suggestions for you on the right.

Don’t miss the rain of profit the pending upcoming storm can bring!


  1.  Send eblasts to all unaccepted 2017 bids with season intro offer. (Check out RaiseRites Example HERE)
  2.  Review of new OSHA trip hazard regulations (Beyond American Disability Act Standards) and an action plan to communicate a reminder to all commercial prospects. (GO HERE)
  3.  Signing up for the Spring Home Shows In Your Market
  4.  New mailings to all property managers of warehousing facilities in your markets offering a demo.
  5.  Checking into the HMI web site for continued updates on identifying opportunities with “Deep Foam Jection!”
  6.  Signing up NEW crew personnel to shadow HMI/Raiserite crews in WI for the ultimate hands on training experience
  7.  Taking an inventory of all foams and initiating orders to insure inventory is on hand for a robust season start.


  1. Sign up for the first available “Discovery & Training Seminar.” (If in WI arrange to get their early to spend a day shadowing HMI crews.) Learn more about shadowing HERE
  2. Line up all financing required for equipment. (Either locally or by contacting HMI for introduction to leasing partners.) Apply for EASY financing HERE
  3. Do a competitive review in your market by eliciting quotes for services from alternative concrete repair options. (Mudjacking, concrete replacement, pavers, etc.) This pre-work will allow you to accelerate your marketing and pricing strategy development!
  4. Secure and develop lists of all trade/home improvement contractors in your market to be prepared to announce your entry into the business for future referrals.
  5. Secure and develop lists of all commercial property management companies and local DOTs in your market to be prepared to initiate offers for demos when your equipment is ready and your training is complete.
  6. Line up some work. (Even if only family, friends and neighbors.) When your equipment is delivered, HMI can send trainers to you to assist with your first jobs.
A dollar bill is being held by a pair of clamps with sparks coming out of them.

Upcoming Discovery & Training Seminars

  • April 10-11, 2025  Manitowoc, WI
  • May 15-16, 2025  Manitowoc, WI

In 2 days, we teach you everything you need to know to start your own concrete raising company!

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