Video Estimating Update – A Winner

Transforming Client Interaction with Video Estimates

Brian Cvetezar

Who Says So? “Our Clients”

On July 27th I posted a blog sharing our plans to have our contracting arm “Raiserite Concrete Lifting” offer video estimating.

Since that time every prospect calling into our Concrete Raising company has been offered the option of participating in the estimating process with video. The market reaction has exceeded our expectations.

To date we have completed 34 video estimates and our closing ratio when the customer is involved has climbed to 62% exceeding our traditional approaches. What is equally interesting is that an unanticipated side benefit has surfaced. Prospects participating are better educated customers as we have the capability to explain the challenges of lifts they inquire about. We believe our upsell has also improved since the media allows the customer to probe our capability to do sections that were not their initial priority.

Beyond the numbers what our customers are saying in our follow-up surveys tells the real story. Below is a sampling:

“Needed the estimate very quickly do to home being on the market and couldn’t believe we had the completed estimate sent over within 15 minutes. Thought we would have to wait a couple days before we saw the estimate.” JA

“The virtual was nice because I didn’t have to wait around for someone to show up at my house. I was able to have the virtual done at a time that worked best for me and got the estimate sent over to my email shortly after the virtual was completed.” JS

“The virtual was great, no other companies offer it. It was great to be able to speak with someone, have my questions answered and be able to get my estimate right away.” BT

I am not predicting that video estimates will eliminate the need for a mobile estimator. I am suggesting that our experience signals it is an ideal way to:

  • Differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Increase the speed of sale
  • Lower your average cost of sale
A man is smiling, taking a photo with his cell phone.

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  • April 10-11, 2025  Manitowoc, WI
  • May 15-16, 2025  Manitowoc, WI

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