Who Are The Concrete Lifting Experts?

Meet Our Experienced Team at HMI Company

Paul DelFino


Every so often I get frustrated!  Occasionally angry! What is the root cause of all this anxiety? The internet! More specifically the amount of misinformation that is often presented on: web sites, blogs, and specifically forums. Not to worry, I am not fixated on the problem and keep it all in perspective considering the unbelievable availability of data that we all enjoy daily. But – I often wonder how people really seeking help about concrete lifting sift thru the cyber infinity of noise to find the truth.


In support of HMI I recently scoured the net to see if I could learn who a consumer or a concrete repair specialist would surmise the experts to be. This was an eye opening experience. I gave up seeking validation and abandoned the exercise noting that everyone in the industry, including newcomers, are the unquestioned go to source for advice and answers.

Monthly I introduce the training team at the HMI “Discovery and Training Seminar” by noting that Jeff and Brain have collectively participated in over 30,000 projects raising over 3 million square feet of concrete. That is just Jeff and Brain and not the other supporting trainers who have all traveled the world doing major airports and national highway systems in support of HMI customers. Over 4 decades of focused experience in one specialty allows you to see a lot of successes and failures with and understanding of why for each.


An example of the cause of frustrations is when individuals with expertise in insulation foam or waterproofing, who entered the industry a short time ago, wax eloquently about the benefits of their foam or a particular gun. More often than not the base formula for the foam they are promoting was for insulation and the gun they are touting was designed for spraying. In many of these cases the concrete lifting spinoffs were just that – afterthoughts.

The 8 concrete lifting foams formulated and manufactured at HMI began with the list of best practice performance standards of concrete lifting based on that expertise. Whether it be strength, speed, adhesion, or hydro insensitivity it was the concrete lifting need that drove the design.

Remember the political mantra – “It’s about the economy – stupid!”  In a recent training session I noted an HMI equipment owner telling a new trainee for his company – “It’s about the gun – stupid!”  Everyone in ear shot laughed but the point hit home to all present. Using a gun designed for shooting/spraying  polyurethane insulation: gives you less control, is less productive as you will drill more holes , creates maintenance nightmares and expense with clogging due to  backpressure. I feel like screaming that list out loud as I read others write eloquently about the Fusion or GX7 guns from Graco. Again the HMI Elite One gun was 4 years in development to meet the criteria of concrete lifting. It is not an afterthought – it is a revolutionary NEW THOUGHT that solved need!


I have an idea – every time a manufacturers rep, distributor, salesman or “supposed expert” tries to sell you something or gives you some advice – ask them,  “how many tens of thousands of CONCRETE LIFTING jobs have you done?”

HMI “EXPERTS” are available to you FREE to answer your questions and support you on projects during the day. AT HMI the Service Team is made up of people who have worked on crews doing real work, in most cases for years before they try to relate to you in the field. HMI customers enjoy 24/7 access to a HELP DESK PORTAL with videos on HOW TO for jobs and maintenance so you can see on you Moblie Phone, at the job, exactly what you are being told. If you have not accessed the HMI SUPPORT  portal I strongly recommend you try it. Nearly every time you call with a question – the answer is posted or a new video is added so everyone has and encyclopedia for our industry and specialty. Log in HERE>>


Whew – now I feel better. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Paul DelFino is a principal of the consulting firm Opportunity Inc. For nearly two decades he has assisted entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, responding to economic downturns and merger and acquisition activity. He has consulted with HMI and RaiseRite for nearly two decades. His publications include “Avoiding Skewed Entrepreneurial Strategies” available from all on line booksellers.  

A yellow button with the word expert on it.

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