Wrapping Up 2020 & Repeating What Is Important

Key Takeaways and Lessons Learned for the Future

Paul DelFino

In anticipation of writing this blog I went back in history and looked at the HMI end of year blogs. I realized some things are worth repeating so below are some excerpts from blogs of the past. Because many of HMI’s customers are wrapping up the year, due to weather, we have historically used November as a final message knowing that we focus December on looking forward to World of Concrete in January/February. Unfortunately after 43 consecutive years HMI will not be at the World of Concrete in June 2021. The trade show will be another victim of Covid 19.

Many are looking forward to wrapping up the year 2020 and would want to rate it as a bad memory to be forgotten. Uniquely that is not the case for HMI or its customers. Despite; fear, personal hardship, many tragedies, and unparalleled anxiety all indications are that our industry fared well in a massive pandemic. The unique nature of what we do, primarily outside, has allowed concrete repair specialists to flourish. We are thankful for our customers continued business success and hopeful that science and Mother Nature will allow the other components of our lives to stabilize and return to normalcy in the year ahead.


End Of Year 2019

In October 2019 I authored a blog titled How am I doing? What am I going to do in 2020.  I would strongly suggest you go back in history and revisit this blog at this time. At the time I spoke to the value of budgeting and establishing some formal plan for the coming year. That message is as valid today as it was then.

As part of that message I encourage readers to self-question; “what new initiatives do I plan for next year” and “what will my mix of business be.” In the 1st Qtr. of 2020 HMI introduced FILLFOAM. This process and product can allow you to take your business to a new level. HMI can help you offer this new service to your market and customers. A relatively low cost equipment package can be added to your current rig to make this happen. Many of you will recall my ideal definition of marketing: “anything you do to increase customers, sell more to current customers or increase your price.” In this case objectives 1 and 2 can be easily achieved by calling your account manager today and asking about FILLFOAM!

Start Of Year 2016

In January 2016 Jen Mazur authored a blog titled A Blizzard of Things To Do. This blog spoke to winterizing tips and next year planning ideas for your business. Again, I would recommend that you revisit this blog.

Beyond Jen’s blog also visit the HMI support portal for tips and tricks for preparing your equipment for next year. A call to your account manager to review winterizing/general maintenance steps would also help in making sure you are as good as you can be for 2021. Did you get the email for the EliteONE winterizing program? If you need a copy of it, head to the HMI support portal and check the latest forum announcement topic!


2020 was challenging for; the world, our country, and business in general. We and our customers have enjoyed a great year.

2021 will only be as good as the time you invest now in planning and making sure you’re ready.

HMI is uniquely qualified to help and waiting for your call.

2020 is in the bottom left and 2021 is in the top right with a foam injection tool in between them.

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