HMI DNA – Listening to Customers

Discover Our Commitment to Customer Feedback

Paul DelFIno


Last week Jen Mazur asked me what this month’s blog was about. My teasing response was, “you tell me” – what are our customers asking about?  As I thought about that glib and sarcastic response I realized the concepts of; listening to customers, answering customer questions and fulfilling customers’ requests is in HMI’s DNA.

A History of Listening and Fulfilling

  • You Asked For A Better Gun – HMI recently introduced the EliteONE. An air purged polyurethane injection gun made specifically for Concrete Raising.
  • You Asked For A Simpler Way to Attach A Gun – HMI introduced a new twist on gun front end and corresponding twist on injection ports to eliminate time and effort.
  • You Asked for Something Other than A Trailer – HMI responded by introducing a polyurethane concrete lifting system in a van.
  • You Asked For More Foams – HMI has responded with more foams for specialty applications and varying degrees of strength.
  • You Asked HMI to Make Work Less Strenuous – HMI introduced a special injection port puller which limits the physical bending effort and speeds up the process of  removing injection ports at the end of the job.
  • You Asked for FREE SERVICE and ON SITE Training. – Since the introduction of Polyurethane Concrete Lifting systems and products, HMI has staffed a full time service function to address you “on the job questions” and more. Now staffed with more mobile trainers HMI is committed to making sure you are confident on all your jobs.

We All Deserve Recognition 

One of the most frequently asked questions from customer has been: How do I reduce my cost of material – “Especially Shipping?” HMI responded over the last weeks with enhancements to the Elite Program.  With the new program customers are rewarded with discounts on Elite products and can qualify for FREE SHIPPING of polyurethane material.

When an Elite Program Member purchases of 950lbs of polyurethane in a quarter, that  customer can begin earning customers discounts. Customers purchasing 2 tote sets in a quarter qualify to get 100% free shipping. Recognizing repeat and loyal customers is what the new Elite Program is all about.

The Takeaway

I was once taught that the worst insult is to ignore someone. Likewise the ultimate compliment/recognition is to be listened to and to be acknowledged.  HMI is proud of it’s: processes, products and service. But – most of all HMI is proudest of its DNA which mandates listening to and recognizing its customers.  Be sure to learn more about and participate in the new ELITE Program.  Let us fulfill the mandate of our DNA and reward YOU!

P.S. – More and more of you are asking about that “Deep Injection Process.” It’s a little early to address the question but we just wanted to acknowledge  “WE HEAR YOU!”

Paul DelFino is a principal of the consulting firm Opportunity Inc. For nearly two decades he has assisted entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, responding to economic downturns and merger and acquisition activity. He has consulted with HMI and RaiseRite for over a decade. His publications include “Avoiding Skewed Entrepreneurial Strategies” available from all on line booksellers.

A close up of a red and gray dna strand on a blue background.

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  • April 10-11, 2025  Manitowoc, WI
  • May 15-16, 2025  Manitowoc, WI

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